
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Jesus Knows

Remember the story of Zacchaeus found in Luke 19?  In my devotion this morning I was reminded of him as I read verse 5 of Luke 19. 

Zacchaeus’ background is found in Luke 19:1-5
“Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through.  A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.  He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd.  So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.”

And then I read verse 5:
“When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately.  I must stay at your house today.”

As I read these familiar words this morning I thought, “Jesus not only knew someone was in the tree, he knew the man by name and he wanted to make a difference in the life of Zacchaeus.”

God reminded me that Jesus knows my name and he knows where I am and what I need.  That’s just the way Jesus is.  He knows my every care, my every concern.  Psalm 56:8 tells me he even knows each and every tear that I shed.

I hope that you will be encouraged this morning to know that Jesus knows where you are as well.  Perhaps you have just lost a loved one, perhaps you are concerned about your children, the loss of a job, or health issues.  Maybe your “today” finds you tired of just dealing with life and all the issues we face every day.  Then again, perhaps you are just tired of being tired. 

Do you wonder today if anyone knows what you are dealing with or just question if anyone even cares.  Maybe your world is relatively stable right now and there is no major crisis that you see.  Wherever you are today, Jesus knows where you are and who you are.   He not only knows our status today, but He knows what tomorrow holds.

Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you.  He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” (NLT)

So wherever you are today and whatever you are facing, I pray you find comfort in Him and His Word as I did this morning.

The Lord is my shepherd.  I have all that I need.”  Psalm 23:1 (NLT)

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pruning the Hydrangea

I have two hydrangea bushes that were in the yard when we moved to our present house.  They are just beautiful and I truly don’t want to do anything to keep them from blooming.  So far, so good, but you never know.

Every year I have to read up on when I am supposed to cut them back because I can’t remember what I did the previous year.  Recently I went to my “source” book and was reminded that my particular variety of hydrangea should be pruned in early spring because this type will “bloom on OLD WOOD.”  It goes on to say that “Old Wood” are stems that have been on the hydrangea since the summer before the current season.  So with that bit of knowledge, I took my clippers and proceeded to do my pruning. 

As I was cutting off those blooms from last year, I started thinking about how this plant that is several years old now, is going to bloom on old wood in just a few weeks.  That’s an interesting, especially at my age.  I certainly have been around for several years and my stems in many ways may have bloomed last summer or perhaps even several summers ago.  And yet, just like my hydrangea bush, I want to bloom on “old wood.”

As I was reading about this, the article said that some hydrangea varieties bloom on new wood.  The author of this article said, “It is a joy to grow these type hydrangeas because they are determined to bloom every single year, no matter how they are treated.”   Now how about that!  Wouldn’t it be even better if we bloomed like that, “every single year (or day), no matter how we are treated or what life brings our way.”

I have several friends who are doing just that – some who are “blooming on old wood” and others who are “blooming on new wood.”  Life may not be going exactly like they would have hoped, yet they continue to bloom.  Giving a smile, a word of encouragement, living out their faith in the midst of difficulty, death of a loved one, an illness, or just having a gloomy day.

Lord, I thank you for my friends and how they are continuing to “bloom.”  They not only are blooming on old and/or new wood, they are blooming where you have planted them.  What a testimony and encouragement to me.  My prayer today would be that I can do the same.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Wonder of God

"The heavens praise your wonders, O Lord, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.  For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord?  Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings?"  Psalm 89:5-6

The wonder of it all!  Do I see it?  Today, yes.  I see how God provides for His children in so many ways.  I pray I can always recognize His hand as He orchestrates my life. 

A praise Him in the midst of life.  I praise Him for His faithfulness.  So what is my task?  To be available.  To be sensitive to His voice.  

And then?  I first trust.  Then follow.

Trust that He knows my destination.

Trust that He has a plan, especially for me.

Trust that He has already prepared the way.

Trust that He will guide my feet as I pick up my feet and put them down, one step at a time.

And then I follow Him, not my plan.

I follow Him, not my desire.

I follow Him, not my logic.

I follow Him, when I only see the next step.

I follow Him and no other for no one else compares to Him.

Today I Trust.  Today I follow!  I will rely on His strength and power to accomplish this.  

Do you need to declare this today as well?

Thursday, April 7, 2016

God Speaks Through His Word

Sometimes in the most round-about way, God sends just the right Scripture that is exactly what I need to encourage me and make me smile. Today was such a day! 

Thank you God for reminding me of your love, your message, and your faithfulness through Your Word today. 

As I wrote these words above in my Journal this morning, I began to reflect on Scriptures that remind me of just a few ways God speaks to us through His Word. 

My husband and I have a habit of getting up early.  It is in those early hours that I begin my day in God’s Word during my quiet time.  Psalm 5:3 tells me that He hears me. 

 “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before                  you and wait expectantly.” 
Some days He gives me insight into a particular passage I’m studying, but sometimes I am refreshed by a familiar passage, as He gives me a “fresh” look at its meaning.  Jeremiah 33:3 says:

“Call to me and I will answer you.  I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that                  you  could never figure out on your own.” 

As I come to Him each morning, needing direction, I can depend on this promise in Psalm 143:8.

“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in                      you.  Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.”  

No matter where in God’s Word my quiet time directs my thoughts, I am reminded of this promise in Romans 15:4:

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through                the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we                    might have hope.”  

God tells us in Psalm 81:19, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt.  Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.”  

I think that He will fill my mind with His thoughts if I will commit to Psalm 119:15-16 
“I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.  I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.” 

Lord, help me commit to the faithful study of Your Word!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Spring Blog Makeover

It's spring, a time for fresh beginnings and I thought it was time to update the look of the blog. My friend Katie from Fun Home Things helped me find the perfect look for this blog that better represents who I am and want I want to share with you.

I have also started a Facebook page to better connect with you! To join the page, just click on the Facebook button below and 'Like' my page!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Praise

O God, I ask, why’d you choose me?  Why me? 
           You who set the world in place, who made each bird to sing. 
Who with one stroke made mountains tall and all the seas to be.
O God, why me, why me?

Each blade of grass you make to grow, the mighty oak, the tiny toad.
            Each star is there because of you, the sun, the moon, the oceans blue.
The seasons all, you made them.  The warm, the cool, the spring and fall.
                        O God, the wonder of it all.

And then with paint brush in your hand, you paused, and then created man. 
           Man to fellowship with you, to talk, to walk, to listen to.
O God, O God, ‘twas man you wanted to reflect your goodness, power,
and yes, O God, your grace.

Then man did sin and once again you set in place your plan.
            A babe, your Son, would come to earth to pay the price of sin men bore.
He left your side, where all was good, where pain was not a part,
 and felt my sins as on that cross they nailed His hand.

O the hurt you must have felt as Jesus wept 
           and asked to pass this cup from Him, as there He knelt.  
I can’t begin to comprehend the love it took for sinful man. 

Now Lord, I ask again of you, why me, why me did you so choose?
           You saved me and I’m now your child.  From out of sin you lifted me,
to higher ground you set me free. 
So richly blessed in many ways, you wipe my tears and brighten days.
Why me, O God,  I ask?

I don’t deserve to have so much, to know your love, your peace, your grace.
           O yes that’s it!  Is that it Lord?   It’s grace that made it so.
Not because of who I was, or what I’d done or would become,
but grace, just grace - and now I see.

O God, my God who did create it all, whose power is seen in all you’ve done.
           I cannot keep from praising you, you are my song, my very breath, my all in all.
I’ll shout it now for evermore, yes Lord I know, yes Lord I know,
           You did it all for me,and, yes, ‘twas grace that made it so.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Isaiah 43:2

For the deep waters of life, for the darkest of nights, 
For the hurts of this world, for my search for right - I thank you God.

For its in the deep water and throughout the night,
Its in every hurt and in wrongs made right - You are God, You are there.

You loved me and called my name.  Thank you God.