
Monday, December 28, 2015

Not Enough Time

"Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom."  Psalm 90:12 (NLT)

There are too many things to do. 

Too many books to read,
     places to visit, 
          people to witness to,
               Bible passages to absorb,
                    sunsets to enjoy,
                         fresh starts to relish in,

walks to take, conversations to be had,
        hugs to give, hugs to receive,
                 hours to just ponder, blessings to enjoy,                                                                                           opportunities to share,
                                and on and on it goes!

But not enough time to do it all!  

Even if I’d started as a young adult there would not be enough time.  So why is it at my age I let any moment, any hour, any day be spent doing something that isn’t part of the vast array of things that are truly a joy, a learning experience, a way to contribute or an act of giving back to the one who provided it all; living a life of grateful obedience.

I cannot waste one day, one hour or one single moment,
         wishing I had done the right thing,
               shared my testimony,
                      said thank you,
                              revisiting the past,
                                    thinking “if only” or “what if”,                                              
                                           or asking why –

Yes, the list is endless.

Lord, forgive me.  Help me live for you totally and completely, whatever the cost.  Help me see the simplicity of it all.  Help me as I seek your will and allow you to live through me!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Psalm 95

Today, if you would hear His voice! Psalm 95:7b

Oh how I love His Word – The Word of God!  Especially do I love how He brings it all together for me during my quiet time.    Recently I read Psalm 95:7, “For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.  Today, if you would hear His voice.”   In my journal I had made that my prayer.  Oh that it will be my prayer every day!

And then this morning, during my quiet time, this Christmas season after hearing the Gospel proclaimed in music last night, I am remembering the baby in a manger.  As all of these thoughts go through my mind during my quiet time I read Job 38 and 39 and I am awestruck.  Awestruck over the greatness of our God. 

Remember the words of Psalm 95, “For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand,” – remember that God?  That God is the baby in the manger.  Yes, the baby in the manger and the God of Psalm 95 is the God of Job 38 and 39.  The God who was there as the morning stars sang together (Job 38:7), the one who gave boundaries to the sea, who controls the storehouses of the snow. (Job 38:22)  The same God who has given birth to the frost of heaven (Job 38:29) and gives wisdom in the innermost being or understanding to the mind (Job 38:36)
The God who knows the mountain goat from the time they give birth until their offspring grow up and leave (Job 39:1-4).  The God who gives the horse his might and clothes his neck with a mane (Job 39:19-25).  Yes, and its God who causes the hawk to soar and stretch His wings and commands the eagle. . . . 

And then I am reminded of other verses like, 
               Psalm 139, He knows me, when I sit or rise up . . . .
               Jeremiah 29:11, He has a plan for my life. . . . . 
               Genesis 1 and John 3:16, This God of creation loves me. He loves the world!

As I ponder the greatness of this God, my God. this morning I hear His voice. . . .

Oh, the baby in a manger, His life of ministry and his death on the cross.  I think about resurrection Sunday and I know He lives today – Yes,  That God!  How awesome and mighty, “For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.”

I trust Him with my life and with my world!  I challenge you to read of this God in the book of Job and bow before Him this Christmas season.  How great is our God, this baby in the manger!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Skipping Christmas

I asked God just the other day,
If we couldn't skip Christmas this year.
The "Christmas Spirit" I didn't have,
And Christmas was drawing near.

He reached down and took me in His arms,
As He said, "Come, go with me.
You've looked in all the wrong places,
Come and see Christmas with me."

I walked with Him to Bethlehem,
To that stable long ago.
I saw in the manger, God's only Son,
That’s Christmas LOVE I know.

He took me with Him to Calvary,
I saw His nail prints and pierced side.
He gave His all, His life for me,
Christmas JOY in my heart now abides.

I saw the stone rolled away from a borrowed grave,
He lives today and that's Christmas HOPE,
I saw it all as He walked with me.

And then I heard God say to me. . . . . .

"My child, I've shown you what Christmas is,
Now go and help others to see.
The "Spirit" of Christmas isn't tinsel and trees,
But a gift that comes from me."

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Silence the World

"He says, 'Be still and know that I am God;  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  Psalm 46:10 NIV

I am amazed how things "come together" in life to teach lessons or remind me of God's truths.  Seldom is it more obvious to me than in my quiet time.  From J. K. Dean's, Conversations With the Most High, yesterday I was reminded how important it is to "push back the noise" and Be still and know He is God." (Psalm 46:10)

Today I'm reminded that I am to come to Him for rest (Matthew 11:28).  Those two devotions were preceded by yesterday's Jesus Calling devotion by Sarah Young, reminding me that "peace is inherent in His presence.  His peace is not an elusive goal" but rather it surrounds me as I am resting in Him.  I try too many times to hear God "over" the noise of the world.  What I really need is to shut out the world and just listen to His peace as it dwells inside me.

Far too often I seek to keep muddling along in my day, involved in this, working on that, hearing the news, saying yes to a request, anxious about a change I see in my future, and on and on I could go.  Just how much more could I add to the list?   But all the while I tell myself I'm listening for you, Lord, trying to hear your direction and yet "tuned in" to the world!

Be still and know. . . .this is my prayer today.  Today may I hear ONLY you God. I'm not asking to hear you above the world's many voices, but just You. Help me to tune out all other voices, interruptions, social media, Lord, the world!  Lord, in this moment - may I hear Your voice as I silence my world today.

I love it when God's plan comes together in my life!